Gynecology Check-up | Travel the world


Gynecologists recommend that women aged 18 and older should have a pelvic exam at least annually for early detection of infectious or precancerous signals. Prevention and screening for risk factors not only help to ensure the reproductive health of women but also make them feel more secure and confident in life

The gynecology check-up package has been tailored for all women above the age of 18 and aims to the prevention and early detection of female related conditions. It is inclusive of:

  • Consultation with Gynecologist
  • Laboratory test:
    • HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) Genotype + PCR
    • ThinPrep Papsmear
  • Diagnostic Imaging:
    • Pelvic ultrasound
    • Mammography or Breast ultrasound (depending on age)

Package price: 4.450.000Ä‘

Additional Items:

  • Tumor marker test CA 12-5 (screening for ovarian cancer): 330.000Ä‘
  • Tumor marker test CA15-3 (screening for breast cancer) (CA15-3): 330.000Ä‘
