Epilepsy Screening
Epilepsy is a neurological condition that may change the sufferer鈥檚 life. The Epilepsy package is designed to help patients who want to pursue a diagnosis and to reduce the cost for medication and ongoing monitoring.
Package Price: 7.500.000
- Consultation with neurologist
- Standard EEG video
- Blood tests:
- Full blood count
- Ionogram (Na + K + Cl)
- Calcium
- Ionized calcium
- Magnesium
Headache is a common medical complaint involving various diseases. In most cases, it affects the nervous system. The Headache package allows neurologists to provide patients with more accurate diagnosis and a suitable treatment plan.
Package Price: 6.650.000
- Consultation with neurologist
- Standard EEG video
- Blood tests:
- Full blood count
- Iron